A4 Peer Review 2: Gianna Torpey
07 Oct 2022
Hey Gianna, I’m Ally~ Welcome to one of your peer reviews!
Starting off – beautiful wireframes! I enjoyed how you included them right after your pitch so that I could explore the amazing new possibilities that Fritter offers. I already love how straightforward your Fritter UI is, in navigating how to generally interact with Freets (create and post), view notifications, and try out your innovative concept of A New Beginning (ANB) – which is actually the first thing I’m going to dive into:
A compliment, about ANB. Speaking of the straightforwardness of your Fritter UI, I love how simple and straightforward ANB is as well! It’s extremely useful to be able to clear all your Freets, or clear your Freets from a specific date – without having to go to the extremes of either deleting your account (which users may not want to do), or delete Freets one-by-one, which is terribly inconvenient to do when attempting to delete mass amounts of Freets. The concept is executed and exists to remove all needless costs and complexities – and contributes to reducing Fritter users’ burdens! I’d definitely use this concept; it would’ve been helpful all the times I had to delete posts from a social media platform one-by-one; or even the times I’d even delete accounts due to the troublesome time-sink and tedious efforts it takes to delete every post one-by-one. ANB is super lovely and efficient :) (Concept simplicity)
A criticism, about Comments. I think that your Comments concept is very similar to the Freet concept – with its 140 character limit, user that authored it, ability to have likes, ability to show or hide it, ability to be reFreeted. I noticed the only main difference was that a Comment is tied as a “reply” to certain Freets; and I thought that Comments weren’t able to be downvoted (as it wasn’t a state or action under the Comments Concept), but saw that under your Downvotes concept, a Comment is able to be downvoted as well! I think due to all of the similarities, you could easily make a Comment a type of Freet – with the state of the Freet denoting whether it has a parent Freet it is replying to, while its status can be a “child” Freet – whereas Freets that aren’t comments can always be defaulted as the “parent” Freet. This way, you’d be able to avoid redundancy and actually synchronize a Freet with a Comment (or Reply) Freet!
A speculation, about Feed and its Tradeoffs in personalizing it for every User. I loved how you dove into the various aspects of how your Fritter customized Feeds for every user, through allowing the hiding of Freets users may not like and sorting Freets by toxicity percentage (which is another cool and innovative concept)! I see how you traded off further customization by country for user privacy – to not require users to input their locations. This tradeoff was thought-provoking, and I wondered if there was a way to still personalize feeds – instead of by country, how about sorting by the same language? So that users who do speak the same language are able to easily connect with each other and have personalized feeds in their preferred languages, without having to compromise personal data? And users who don’t understand specific languages would not see Freets in foreign languages? I think a language filter would be a good balance in-between, to protect user privacy and allow for effective community-building in shared forms of communication! (Concept efficacy)
A Few Remainder Observations / Questions
- Your Freet and Comment concept may need a state to record time, like a timestamp, in order to enact ANB and sorting by latest Freets
- Will User use email or phone numbers for 2-Factor-Authentication?
- Login / Logout can be actions for an overall “Session” concept (to boost concept independence)
- Would you consider a 280-character count for Freets? Or possibly provide ways to compensate for the shorter character count by allowing for further expression? (to boost concept efficacy)
- For your Follow concept, would a state also be “Requested,” for private users?
- And how will private users be able to be found and followed, if they don’t show up on Search? Will they have private links that have to be sent outside of the Freet app, or will private users always have to find you first on Fritter – to be able to access them through notifications?
Thanks so much for your Fritter Converge! It’s really easy to see how much care and thoughtfulness you really put into ideating and implementing your concepts – I’m excited to see your Fritter implementation very soon :) Hope my review was helpful and provided insight~ 😊
For reference, here is Gianna’s A3: Fritter Converge